Neuroscience Research Building
Located in the Neuroscience Research Building on Washington University’s School of Medicine Campus, Kaldi’s Coffee NRB provides a community space for the over 100 medical research teams in the building. Historically, cafes have provided a gathering place for the exchange of ideas, filled with passionate debates and discussions, and we’re proud to provide a nexus for an incredible group of world-class researchers. Kaldi’s Coffee NRB serves our full drink menu and our Kaldi’s Express food menu.
This location is not open to the public, but is accessible from Barnes Hospital, the Mid Campus Medical Center, and various medical campus garages, via the skywalk network.
4370 Duncan Ave, 3rd Floor
St. Louis, MO 63110
(314) 899-2964
St. Louis, MO 63110
(314) 899-2964
Monday-Friday 8am - 2pm

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