Coffee Blogs from Kaldi's Coffee

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A collection of blogs about our core coffee blends and much more.

What Makes Coffee Special?
With so much coffee around you and so many options for consuming it, you'd be forgiven for thinking that great coffee comes easy. Here, we break down the many hands and the incredible amount of passion it takes to bring you your morning cup.
Much More Than a Blend: Cafe Kaldi
When crafting our house coffee blend, we knew we would be honoring the legacy of the discovery of coffee. Read about the history of our perfectly balanced coffee, a blend that's inextricably linked to Kaldi's itself.
Much More Than a Blend: 700
Much more than an espresso blend, 700 is the perfect everyday coffee with a history as rich as its taste. Learn more in our blend spotlight.
Comparing Cafe Kaldi and 700: A Deep Dive Before You Buy
We focus on roast profiles, components, and taste to more deeply compare and contrast our two most popular blends, Cafe Kaldi and 700.
7 Numbers Behind 700
Through the lens of 7 numbers, we shine a brighter light on - and take a deeper dive into - this fan-favorite coffee blend.
Much More than (FTO) Blends: French Roast and Birds & Bees
Get the scoop on two of our most popular Fair Trade Organic coffee blends!
Much More Than a (Holiday) Blend: 'Tis the Season
Our unique, once-a-year holiday blend has become a tradition in its own right for our customers and team members alike. Read about this homage to coffee's first blend, its gorgeous packaging, and how its taste mimics the season perfectly. 
Exploring the Coffee Frontier with the Cupping Room Series
We believe that coffee is a drink of discovery. Nothing exemplifies this so much as our Cupping Room Series. Learn about our releases and what makes this series special.

Blend Buying Guide
We’ve prepared a general buying guide of our blends, putting them in order from our lightest roasts to our darkest so you can find your perfect match. 

5 Common Coffee Questions, Answered
We've chosen 5 of the most common questions that we get asked to help keep the conversation moving along toward a better understanding of the coffee we all love.
5 Ways to Transform Your Coffee (for Under $30!)
We cover 5 ways to find something new and exciting in your daily cup of coffee. These tips are for anyone, for any coffee, and all under $30!
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